Welcome to a collection of blogs and websites from the artisans of Lochac.

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Blogs/Websites need to be primarily about the exploration of the Arts and Sciences in the SCA.

Name Blog/Website content Blog/Website Link
Baroness Annys Blodwell Entertainment – music, theatre, games, period literature, poetry and humour https://joyousdemaundes.weebly.com/
Mistress Bethan Daniel’s of Brockwood Song- partmusic http://Sites.google.com/view/lochacmusic
Master Bjorn Saemundarson Early Medieval Living History http://bjornthisway.wordpress.com
Lady CaitrĂ­ona Ruadh inghean Bhriain Growing, processing, and then eventually spinning and weaving flax into linen. https://growmyowngarb.wordpress.com/
Lord Elwald Knudsen Fibre Arts https://adventuresinfibre51977439.wordpress.com
Lady Edda of Eigg Garb and Culture https://pictsoritdidnthappen.com/
Fabia Maxima Food https://fabiamaxima.wordpress.com/
Lady Frances Affrica Ray Tablet weaving, sewing, embroidery and medieval encampment https://instagram.com/frankiestitches
Contessa Ginevra Lucia Di Namoraza Glass bead making, Viking Clothing https://gydahrafnsdottir.blogspot.com/
THL Gwyn Cantor Clothing, Dance, Music, and other things 16th century Italian https://oakandstars.wordpress.com/
Maestra Isabel Maria del Aguila Sartorial Arts, with a focus on 16th century Spain http://Http://isabelmaria.amberherthe.com
THL Joana de Bairros Cooking https://joanadacozinha.blogspot.com/
Johanna Stafford Sewing & Cooking https://johannastafford.wordpress.com/
Baroness/ Mistress katherine kerr Printing, Correspondence and Communications, Theatricals, Pageantry, Cartography https://webcentre.co.nz/kk/index.htm
Maitresse Kiriel du Papillon Medieval and Renaissance food http://kirielskitchen.blogspot.com/
Lady Marguerite Chasse Garb, sewing, embroidery https://www.facebook.com/backstitchesintime
Mistress Miriam bat Shimeon Middle Eastern topics, some garb, embroidery. https://awalimofstormhold.wordpress.com/
Lady Rosamond de Montfort Embroidery, Needlework http://www.needleworkes.com
Mistress Rowan Perigrynne Costume, headwear, scribal, decorative arts, camping… https://rowantreeworkshop.com.au/
Mistress Sara van den Hove Tent making, campfire cooking, children’s garb https://saravandenhove.wordpress.com/
Ladt Shinjo Takame Japanese scribal arts and paper craft https://shinjotakame.wordpress.com/
Mistress Thomasina Coke Cookery https://thomasinacoke.wordpress.com/
The Honourable Lady Violetta Vasari Late 16th century Italian costuming, main focus is Florentine and Venetian https://sartadedonna.wordpress.com/
Mistress Willemyne van Nymegen Costume- expressions of aspirations and identity. North Rhine clothing. Links to all the Spanish and Austrian tailoring books. http://www.thefrockchick.com