Official Guilds are recognised Guilds within the Kingdom of Lochac. Some are sanctioned by and granted a Charter, by the Crown, as is the Royal Guild of Defence. If you wish to become an Official Guild, contact the KMoAS, for requirements and for forwarding recommendations and Petitions to Crown for Royal Guild status.
In the first year of the Kingdom, Their Royal Majesties expressed a desire to have Officially Sanctioned Royal Guilds within the Kingdom of Lochac. The Guild Guidelines help in the running and formation of new guilds and provide guidelines for those Guilds wishing to become Royal Guilds.
The KMoAS is required to keep track of the Guilds within our Kingdom. It is strongly recommended that the current KMoAS appoint a Guild Deputy as a liaison to the Guilds, to keep a list of Common Guilds, current Officers, start dates and pass on Guild reports to the KMoAS. These reports will be incorporated into the Twelfth Night report to Crown.
(See Appendix 1: Guild Guidelines)