Lochac A&S Competition Forms were modified in March/August 2024. They replace all previous forms.

The forms are provided for use in Kingdom of Lochac A&S Competitions.
They may also be used by local A&S competition co-ordinators, as desired.

Most of these should be printed before the event so they are available on the day. Don’t assume entrants will pre-print their own entry form.

You will need to print:
10-15 copies of the Entry and Judging Form
2 copies of the Youth Entrant Form (unless there is a special reason to expect more youth entries)
3 copies of the Judging Guidelines (one per theme)
1 copy of the Record of Results Form. You can also complete the results form online if you have access to the internet during the event.

Kingdom Competition Entrants:

Entrant  And Judging Form (for entrants and judges to complete – this is the most vital form to have ready)

Youth Entrant Form (for younger entrants to complete)

Competition Co-ordinators:

Judging Guidelines (to help inexperienced judges)

Record of Results Form (for co-ordinator to complete). Alternative: Online Results Form