Kingdom Arts and Sciences Champion’s Pouch

The Annual Kingdom A&S Champion  will receive an embroidered pouch:  Azure, a candle enflamed within an arch stooped surrounded by 4 mullets of six points argent.  (3 gold hawk bells attached at the bottom.)

The year of the Championship won is embroidered on the back.

A new pouch is made for each Champion to keep.

If you are interested in making upcoming Kingdom Arts & Sciences Champion pouches, please note that it should be both documentable and of a type used in the SCA period (refer to A&S Handbook).

It is hoped that several different styles of pouches can be made in advance, allowing an A&S Champion to choose a pouch more appropriate for their persona.  If you are interested in making a pouch, please contact the KMoAS via the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Minister.

A pouch completed by Mistress Keridwen the Mouse.The design elements are a blue background, a white candle in a white arch, surrounded by four six-pointed white stars.