An Arts & Sciences display is a chance for any member of the populace to show what they have made or researched. They are a fantastic way to let people know what you have been working on, as well as a great way to see what other people are doing in your group.
There are no categories, or documentation requirements. Items are not judged, instead they are admired by other attendees of the event. Displays can be a finished item, or a work in progress.

A sample A&S display entry
Arts & Sciences displays are set up at various events around Lochac. The most notable is Kingdom events, where they can be found next to the competition entries display.
To participate in a display all you need to do is bring your item* along, and place it on the designated table at any time during the event. Although the time allocated for people to enter competitions is a good cue to place your item.
Some cards and pens should be provided so you can write the following information:
- Your name
- What the item is
Once the display is finished, either as the feast hall is being set up, or at the end of the event, you should collect your item.
*An item can be anything you could leave on or beside a table (or yourself if you want to sit/stand there the entire time…) This can include items you have made/cooked/brewed/painted/etc. but can also include a research paper you have written on a non-material aspect of medieval life, or a poem or piece of music you have composed.