Competitions were held in Lochac over the past 3.5 months to contribute to the Autumn Crown competition season.
The topics were:
- Item for an archer
- Smellable
- A meeting of Mediterranean cultures (think: trade, cross-cultural influence, war, piracy, diplomacy, etc.)
Winners are determined based on the entrants experience in the skill/craft that they are submitting (see this page for an explanation of this system). In this competition season the results are:
Experienced category:
Winner: Mistress Tatianitska Iaroslavna, for her hand cream “Nostradamus precious green pomade”
Second place: THL Sigmund Spelmann, for his recreation of an extant Venetian quiver
Beginner’s category:
Winner: Lord Thomas Boardmakere, for his presentation of a set of arrows and a quiver
Second place: Mistress Katherne Rischer, for her work on period paints for illuminations
Photos of Some Entries

Item for an archer – naalbinded hand protection – Lady Jeneur le Geline

Item for an archer – an arm guard – Lord Thomas Boardmakere

Smellable – Nostradamus precious green pomade – Mistress Tatianitska Iaroslavna

Item for an archer – 16th century venetian archery quiver – THL Sigmund Spelmann