There will be, on occasion, opportunity for the Kingdom Office of Arts & Sciences to help promote Kingdom level A&S competitions, outside the scope of the traditional Kingdom A&S competitions held a Crown events. These will usually be in conjunction with the Crown, or other Kingdom level Officers. It is recommended to support these where appropriate, with verbal and written advertising, and supply a Kingdom level Arts & Sciences bell for the winners.
It is advised that, in these circumstances, the competition should follow the competition criteria as per usual for other Kingdom level Arts & Sciences Competitions, as set out above and elsewhere in the A&S Handbook.
Miscellaneous Kingdom level arts & Sciences competitions results will not be counted towards the Kingdom aRts & Sciences Championship for that year.
Competitions held by individuals or households are more appropriate to be held as separate and private competitions.
In this case, use open bells in place of the ‘hawk’ bells. Gold for first place and silver for second place. Ribbons to remains the same. The bells can be supplied by the office of A&S, if requested.
(See also Appendix 4: Running Kingdom A&S Competitions and Appendix 3: Kingdom A&S Competition Forms)