The Kingdom A&S Championship is designed to encourage gentles to try new areas of the Arts & Sciences, enter the Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competitions and to encourage variety. It is not just – who is the best of the best. We want to encourage newcomers or inexperienced artisans to enter as well as our experienced artisans.
The Kingdom A&S Champion of Lochac is announced at either May Crown or Festival.
It is the responsibility of the KMoAS to keep the scores, for Championship up to date and inform Crown of the overall Champion.
The prize for the Lochac A&S Champion is an embroidered pouch:
Azure, a candle enflamed within an arch stooped surrounded by 4 mullets of six points argent. (A white candle, under a white arch, on a blue background with four – the A&S badge – six-sided stars around it.) The year of the individual Championship is embroidered on the back of the pouch. This pouch has 3 gold hawk bells attached to the bottom and may be as elaborately embroidered as wished, as long as the main design is the above. A new pouch shall be made for each Champion to keep.
(See Appendix 4: How to Run the Kingdom A&S Championship)